Case 3

Case 3

Case 3

Part One

Age: 25
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Relationship Status: Single
Counseling Setting: Community clinic
Type of Counseling: Individual
Presenting Problem: Uncontrolled eating
Diagnosis: Binge-Eating Disorder

Presenting Problem: Client is a 25 year-old Caucasian female who has been referred to you by her primary care physician after the client gained 35 pounds in less than one year. Client describes that for the last nine months, she has been eating large amounts of food after work. The client works as a software developer at a start up advertising company. Since work has started to get more stressful, the client has noticed her eating getting more and more unhealthy. She expresses concern that a lot of the time she isn’t even hungry when she starts eating, but she can’t get herself to stop. She tends to eat quickly during these periods of time, and feels guilty afterward. She states that she gets so uncomfortably full that she does not feel like doing anything for the rest of the night. She hopes that you can help her feel better about herself.

Mental Status Exam: The client is oriented to person, place, and time. She shows up early to her appointment and is tearful during session. Thought content is normal, absent of hallucinations and flight of ideas. The client’s speech is normal. The client demonstrates guarded body language. She denies suicidal and homicidal ideation.

Relationship History: At the age of 19, the client was one of the first in her group of friends to get engaged. The boy she dated all through high school finally asked her to marry him the summer after their graduation. She was elated at the thought of spending the rest of her life with him. They liked the same kinds of movies, restaurants, and enjoyed walking in parks together. She ended up calling off the engagement, however, after four years because she felt like it wasn’t going anywhere. Despite having an engagement ring, she felt as though there was a lack of serious commitment. She broke it off in a public place and encouraged her ex to not reach out to her. She hasn’t heard from him since, but still thinks about him from time to time and wonders what her life would be like had they stayed together.

Health History: The client has always been generally healthy. She went to the doctor two weeks ago with complaints of shortness of breath. The client also asked for her thyroid to be checked because she noticed significant weight gain in the past year. All of the tests the doctor ran were normal, aside from an elevated HgA1C, meaning that the client could potentially be at risk for type two diabetes. The client is not on medications and does not have a surgical history. She hopes that you can help her get her eating under control before she develops a chronic condition.
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