Clinical Exam Workshop
Complete NCMHCE Study Program
NCMHCE New Format Information
After many years of using the original NCMHCE format, the NBCC has now switched to its 'New Format' for the exam.
Here are the most significant changes:
The new format is a longer exam, containing 11 case studies in 225 minutes.
One of the cases on each exam is a Beta case (a case in development). It will not count towards your score. You will not be told which is the Beta case.
Each case contains 3 client narrative sections and 9-15 multiple-choice questions. Each question has four answer choices of which only one is correct.
The narrative sections in each case are LONG. I've mirrored this in the practice cases included in my study program. There are over 12 hours of practice cases in my program.
Your score will be based on how many correct answers you select. The exam has approximately 140 total questions, but only 100 count towards your score. The remaining questions are used for 'field testing'. You will not be told which questions count. You will also not be told if your answers are correct or incorrect.
You are not penalized for wrong answers, so answer every question, even if you are guessing.
To learn more about my Comprehensive NCMHCE Study Program, click here:
NBCC® and NCMHCE® are registered trademarks solely owned and controlled by the National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. (NBCC). I am not affiliated with NBCC. NBCC does not endorse, sponsor, or otherwise support my services or products, including the examination preparation services provided on the website.