Case 6

Case 6

Case 6

Part One

Age: 58
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Relationship Status: Single
Counseling Setting: Community Clinic
Type of Counseling: Individual
Presenting Problem: Unemployment, depression
Diagnosis: Bipolar II Disorder, Inadequate Housing (V60.1 living in a trailer without electricity)

Presenting Problem: You are a clinical counselor in a community mental health clinic. A 58 year-old male comes in seeking services to reduce depressive symptoms. He expresses that he is newly unemployed and is having trouble with his worth and self-esteem. The client states that he spent the last three days in bed, and has periods of up to two weeks where he has a depressed mood and a lack of interest in activities that normally interest him. Currently he sleeps nearly all day, and explains that he simply does not have the energy to do anything. He has been unemployed for a month and has not filled out any job applications or started looking for openings. Client affirms that he has been struggling for several years and states, “I'll never get my life together”.

Mental Status Exam: The client comes to session disheveled with poor hygiene. His affect is flat with slowed speech. He denies current suicidal ideation, however he states that he had severe suicidal ideation about six months ago, but never acted on it. The client demonstrates lack of energy in session, as well as psychomotor retardation throughout the diagnostic interview. Client denies psychotic symptoms and denies having a history of psychosis.

Current Living Situation: The client moved to the area three years ago. A family member told the client that he could live in a trailer on their land for free, but he just had to pay for the electric company to run a line out to the trailer. The client states that he never had the money to do so, so he has been living without electricity for the past three years. He states that winter is a particularly difficult time for him as he has trouble sleeping in the sub-zero temperatures. He has been hospitalized numerous times for pneumonia. He states that the investment to hook the trailer up to electricity is too much for him to afford. The client lives alone and only sees the family member who owns his trailer occasionally.

Work History: The client was working at a grocery store where he had a good relationship with the manager, who was very understanding of client’s absences due to depression. One day, the client found himself restocking the cereal aisle when he had an amazing idea for a new cereal. He spent the next five days researching formulas and recipes for cereal and researching what kinds of machinery he would need to start production. He charged $1,000 on his credit card to buy baking supplies and kitchen tools. He states, “I swear I stayed up for several days straight getting together everything I needed to run a successful company. I didn’t feel like I needed to sleep. I was so invested in the whole thing that I just kept working on it every evening after work.” The client states that after a week or two, the “cereal passion” faded and his depressive symptoms returned.

Medical History: Client denies having ever been hospitalized for mental health reasons. The client states, however, that he has been hospitalized twice over the past six months due to pneumonia. He has lost a considerable amount of weight over the past month, but is unsure why.