Free Sample Case

Free Sample Case

Part One

Age: 14
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Relationship Status: Single
Counseling Setting: Community clinic
Type of Counseling: Individual
Presenting Problem: Heightened anxiety at home and school
Diagnosis: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Presenting Problem: You are a clinical counselor at a community mental health clinic. Your client is a 14-year old Caucasian male who comes to you to get help so his school day runs more smoothly. Over the past six months, the client has received numerous detentions for being late to class. He states that the issue is that when he goes to his locker to get the books he needs for the next class, he often walks away, but feels like he forgot something in his locker, so he goes back to his locker and opens it only to find that he has everything he needs. He states that he feels better after checking, but there have been times where he opens his locker five times during a class change and reports to class late.

Mental Status Exam: The client comes to session well groomed and makes good eye contact. Mood and affect are appropriate. The client is visibly anxious as evidenced by shallow breathing and tenseness. The client has a bandana that is very special to him. He wipes his brow with his bandana three times when he comes into your office.

Living Situation: The client lives with his mom in a small apartment. Mom reports that the client spends about an hour and a half each night in the shower. Mom has found the client still showering well after the hot water has run out. The client states that he has a very specific showering ritual that he must perform, and if one of the steps is out of order he has to start over. Sometimes he loses track in the middle and has to get out and start all over again. He states that he knows that if he does not complete the ritual then “something bad will happen.”

Academic History: The client has always been a good student. He has perfect handwriting and always has his supplies organized. Teachers often say that he is very responsible and a pleasure to have in class. The detention monitor, who is also the client’s English teacher, was surprised to see him in detention over the last few months, and upon learning of his situation, recommended that he see the school counselor who referred the client to your agency. The client has good grades and has not missed a homework assignment all year.

Family History: The client has three younger half siblings who live with dad full time. The client’s parents got divorced when he was 9 years old, and the client found himself caught in the middle of an intense custody battle. He had to go to numerous court hearings and met with social workers and lawyers on a regular basis. Although his parents encouraged him to always tell the truth, he found himself intimidated by all of the conversations and appointments. He recalls that many of them ended abruptly, leaving him unsure if he said something he shouldn’t have said. He says that TV was an escape for him during that time and he would often imagine himself in the cartoon worlds depicted on the screen. He also says that he developed a love for school during this time of his life because school was the one place where it didn’t feel like people were fighting over him.
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