Clinical Exam Workshop Members Only Section Step #5 The Practice Simulations! To begin, watch these 2 important summary videos: Part 1: Part 2: You can download the 3 documents that I reference in the videos here: Most common content most common models symptom rule out Here are the links for watching the Therapy Model videos mentioned in the videos:Cognitive Behavior TherapyAcceptance and Commitment TherapyMotivational InterviewingDialectical Behavior TherapyNarrative TherapySolution-Focused Brief TherapyReality TherapyRational Emotive Behavior Therapy And now, just what you have been waiting for…It’s time to dive into the Simulations!Part 1: Individual Cases: sim part 1 Part 2: The Mini Mock Exam Sim part 2 Part 3: Full Length Exams sim part 3 To return to the Members Section Homepage, click here: Members Home