Clinical Exam Workshop

Members Only Section

Sim Part 2: The Mini Mock Exam!

Are you ready for this?!? The Mini Mock Exam is the closest you will come to the real thing. I recommend you start with the ‘Noted’ version, which, just like the real exam, doesn’t tell you correct and incorrect. The ‘Timer’ and ‘No Timer’ versions do tell you correct and incorrect. Then, after taking the Mini Mock, you can take the cases individually where the correct answer is ‘explained’. Enjoy!

Remember to click ‘Show all questions’ at the top of the exam. Also, There are lots of ‘Review Screens’, just like the real exam. Remember to click the ?Box for each review screen.

To take the Mini Mock Exam ‘Noted’ click here:

To take the Mini Mock Exam ‘Timer’ click here:

To take the Mini Mock Exam ‘No Timer’ click here:

And now that you have conquered the Mini Mock, you can take the cases individually.

Click the following to take the Mini Mock Cases individually:

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5

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